Saturday, June 14, 2008


                                                 Large animated American flag clip art for a white background


Today is Flag Day.  I wonder for just how many Americans this day will come and go without even realizing its significance.  This is something else that was once taught in school that I doubt seriously is even mentioned anymore because most can’t tell when Flag Day is (was) observed.  It is really upsetting to me how lackadaisical most are towards any type of patriotic observances.  We have a spoiled rotten society that has absolutely no idea just how high a price was paid and is being paid for our safety and freedom.  Here is one story from USFLAG.ORG:


                                                                     A Lesson For Americans by Mike Dalka

My Grandfather was a glider infantryman in WWII, an advisor in Korea, and lost one ofhis sons, my uncle Gary Edwards, in Vietnam. I worked in his auto repair station during high school and he flew his flag in front daily. One day while I was sweeping the oil dry out of the bays it began to sprinkle rain. He told me to go get the flag and I said "gimme a second." He said, "It is raining, go get the flag NOW." Well I popped off my mouth about how he should cool it, it isn't going to melt or some such typical teenage comment.

My grandfather is the toughest man I've ever met. He explained once that he thought basic training was some sort of country club during WWII, because he was used to hard work anyway, and at home he didn't have indoor toilets or hot running water! And when I said whatever it was that I said to him, he turned deep crimson and I thought, "God save me, he's going to kill me for talking back." Instead tears welled up in his eyes and he squeaked out "You don't understand what this family has paid for the right to fly that flag." Then he turned his back on me and went out and got the flag. I just stood there feeling like the smallest person to ever live. Those words cut me so deep. I wish the entire country could have heard them.

[ I ] hope that this Nation might yet have enough people who understand the cost of liberty to turn things around.

Here is the history of Flag Day from USFLAG.ORG:


                                                                      The History Of Flag Day

The Fourth of July was traditionally celebrated as America's birthday, but the idea of an annual day specifically celebrating the Flag is believed to have first originated in 1885. BJ Cigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged for the pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public School, District 6, to observe June 14 (the 108th anniversary of the official adoption of The Stars and Stripes) as 'Flag Birthday'. In numerous magazines and newspaper articles and public addresses over the following years, Cigrand continued to enthusiastically advocate the observance of June 14 as 'Flag Birthday', or 'Flag Day'.

On June 14, 1889, George Balch, a kindergarten teacher in New York City, planned appropriate ceremonies for the children of his school, and his idea of observing Flag Day was later adopted by the State Board of Education of New York. On June 14, 1891, the Betsy Ross House in Philadelphia held a Flag Day celebration, and on June 14 of the following year, the New York Society of the Sons of the Revolution, celebrated Flag Day.

Following the suggestion of Colonel J Granville Leach (atthe time historian of the Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution), the Pennsylvania Society of Colonial Dames of America on April 25, 1893 adopted a resolution requesting the mayor of Philadelphia and all others in authority and all private citizens to display the Flag on June 14th. Leach went on to recommend that thereafter the day be known as 'Flag Day', and on that day, school children be assembled for appropriate exercises, with each child being given a small Flag.

Two weeks later on May 8th, the Board of Managers of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution unanimously endorsed the action of the Pennsylvania Society of Colonial Dames. As a result of the resolution, Dr. Edward Brooks, then Superintendent of Public Schools of Philadelphia, directed that Flag Day exercises be held on June 14, 1893 in Independence Square. School children were assembled, each carrying a small Flag, and patriotic songs were sung and addresses delivered.

In 1894, the governor of New York directed that on June 14 the Flag be displayed on all public buildings. With BJ Cigrand and Leroy Van Horn as the moving spirits, the Illinois organization, known as the American Flag Day Association, was organized for the purpose of promoting the holding of Flag Day exercises. On June 14th, 1894, under the auspices of this association, the first general public school children's celebration of Flag Day in Chicago was held in Douglas, Garfield, Humboldt, Lincoln, and Washington Parks, with more than 300,000 children participating.

Adults, too, participated in patriotic programs. Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior, delivered a 1914 Flag Day address in which he repeated words he said the flag had spoken to him that morning: "I am what you make me; nothing more. I swing before your eyes as a bright gleam of color, a symbol of yourself."

Inspired by these three decades of state and local celebrations, Flag Day - the anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777 - was officially established by the Proclamation of President Woodrow Wilson on May 30th, 1916. While Flag Day was celebrated in various communities for years after Wilson's proclamation, it was not until August 3rd, 1949, that President Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14th of each year as National Flag Day.

In closing, I'll only repeat the last line of Mr. Dalka's article:

"I hope that this nation might yet have enough people who understand the cost of liberty to turn things around."




Anonymous said...

My father is a USMC GySgt Ret. Vet.  I learned to properly fold a flag before I was 10.  We fly the flag 24/7 and last year we had to replace Her.  Of course, we followed proper protocol.

I heard a rumor and maybe you can investigate this...that everyone is supposed to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 p.m. tonight.  This wasn't in an email, I read it as part of a story online.  If you know anything about it, please post!

God Bless the USA!!!


Anonymous said...

Good job on the flag day post.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kirk,
I hear ya and side with your 100%.   However, thee is only one fact that trumps my brotherly love for the flag and country---- it's the undeniable fact that the Lord Jesus Christ will SOON bring a NEW Kingdom' Gov't  to heaven and earth !  

Yes, I get stirred up and ticked off at the lack of respect we Veterans, revered camaraderie of combat Vets.  I am a disabled Vietnam Veteran too.   We all did good and fought well-- and or what?  Nothing is sacred anymore in this godless, Satanic world!

So now there remains only 2 "camps" of people;  Those who accept Jesus, and those who don't.   The good will go to heaven and the wicked unbelievers will descend into hell-- for eternity.   What has more priority, brother ??

Thank you for your fine post.

Tom S

Anonymous said...

What an excellent post Dirk.  I know there are still some things and historical days I don't know yet, and I am learning!  I read the story about 6 months ago about the Star Spangled Banner, and what Francis Scott Key saw that made him write that song- and it was AMAZING!  I don't think many school kids know about that, and sadly even more, that they are probably not even allowed to sing more than the first verse, because the other verses mention God.
One of the best books that I have for home schooling my son is a simple book called History Stories for Children.  It has about 30 stories, some from world history, and quite a few from American history.  The stories are only about 3 pages long, so it's easy to read to wiggly kids like my son- but he and I both are learning so much about our country- from a Christian perspective, so it includes the REAL history from the founding, and the men and women who worked and sacrificed so hard for it.  Thank you for furthering my education by all of your reminders to us about the signifiance of these memorial holidays- days that I will, and i think we all must, teach all of our kids the meaning of- so they can learn the valuable lessons of sacrifice!!  God bless you  and your family Dirk.  Thank you so much!  Carolyn